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Imprint and Disclosure Notice

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Christopher Jeauhn Bayne – Fine Art and Design
Gartenheimstr. 108/3, 1220 Vienna, Austria
Telephone: +43-664-4068455



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Legal notes

The articles and images published on this website are protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

Copyright – Copyright notice

© Christopher Jeauhn Bayne – Fine Art and Design


Christopher Jeauhn Bayne – Fine Art and Design operates this website in order to improve public access to information and culture in the areas falling within its portfolio and to share information on projects and initiatives of Christopher Jeauhn Bayne – Fine Art and Design.


Any references to the content on this site may be freely used, except for commercial purposes, provided that the source is cited.

Christopher Jeauhn Bayne – Fine Art and Design disclaims all liability for the contents of the information contained on this website. Wherever errors and misprints come to our attention, we shall endeavour to correct them as quickly as possible.


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Reproductions (including by electronic means) of this website or of portions thereof and the further dissemination thereof are not permitted. The publication of content from Christopher Jeauhn Bayne – Fine Art and Design’s website, for commercial use is prohibited.



We try to make the information provided accessible to all groups of people. If you nevertheless identify a barrier to accessibility, please notify us using our Contact page in the menu above.


Auf Deutsch : Impressum und Offenlegungshinweise


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Die auf dieser Website veröffentlichten Beiträge und Bilder sind urheberrechtlich geschützt. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

Urheberrecht – Urheberrechtshinweis

© Christopher Jeauhn Bayne – Fine Art and Design


Christopher Jeauhn Bayne – Fine Art and Design betreibt diese Website, um den öffentlichen Zugang zu Informationen und Kultur in den Bereichen, die in sein Portfolio fallen, zu verbessern und um Informationen über Projekte und Initiativen von Christopher Jeauhn Bayne – Fine Art and Design auszutauschen.


Jegliche Verweise auf die Inhalte dieser Website dürfen, außer für kommerzielle Zwecke, frei verwendet werden, sofern die Quelle angegeben wird. Christopher Jeauhn Bayne – Fine Art and Design lehnt jegliche Haftung für die Inhalte der auf dieser Website enthaltenen Informationen ab. Soweit uns Irrtümer und Druckfehler bekannt werden, bemühen wir uns, diese schnellstmöglich zu korrigieren.


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© 2023 CHRISTOPHER JEAUHN BAYNE • Limited Edition Fine Art • All rights reserved

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